8. Law of Bipolarity
Humans invented words to talk of absence in the same way we talk about reality. For example, we speak of light and darkness.
● Light is a real thing; it is vibrating electromagnetic energy. It has real, measurable effects in plants, on photographic film, and on solar cells.
● Darkness is the abstract concept absence of light. Darkness has no effects and cannot be measured because it is not a real or tangible thing. It is only an idea, an invented expression for an absence.
Similarly, we made night for the absence of daylight; poor for the absence of money; hunger for the absence of nourishment; naked for the absence of clothes; clean for the absence of dirt; homeless for the absence of shelter; empty for the absence of anything filling; dry for the absence of moisture; cold for the absence of thermal energy (heat); negative pole for the battery pole that has available electrons and positive pole for the one with a shortage or absence of electrons, … and the list continues to illustrate the bipolar nature of energy in the universe.
Both the absence of a substance and the real presence of the substance have vibrational energy, but the vibrational frequencies are different.
Law of Bipolarity: Every Topic has two closely related but distinct energies: the reality vibrating at one frequency and its (often abstract) absence vibrating at another frequency.
For example, the topic of money has two distinct vibrations: the thought of having plenty of money (the reality of it) generates a pleasant, high-frequency emotion, but the thought of not having enough money (the absence of it), naturally engenders unpleasant, low-frequency anxiety or fear.
I always feel better, which means I am playing Life’s Game better, when I choose to think of what I want and avoid thinking of any absence of what I want. When I hold my magic wand at one end and think of what I want, my wishes to come true. When I mistakenly wave it while holding the other end by thinking of what I don’t want, I summon the absence of my wishes!
9. Law of Diversity
The Universe has a mandate of “More, different, forever!” Expansion causes change, variety, and evolution producing the diversity around us. Our eyes can detect at least 200,000 colors; there are 17,500 species of butterflies; ten thousand religions; thousands of shoe styles; dozens of skin colors; millions of different faces; hundreds of sauces; billions of unique finger whorls.
LAW of DIVERSITY: Variety, difference, diversity, and contrast are essential factors in Life’s Game.
Differences in size, shape, speech, race, customs, disposition, behavior, and food choices of individuals are all forms of diversity. Diversity leads to contrast, a striking difference between two things when compared to each other. It provides freedom to choose what I like and desire and prevents the boredom of sameness. I need other people, even if they are different or disagree with me.
I notice the diversity and contrast that surrounds me. In a large grocery store are dozens, even hundreds of sauces and condiments. Many I would never consider and some I believe are disgusting, but someone likes them.
I can ignore them; their presence doesn’t affect me. Having more choices benefits everyone.
Although the words good and bad sometimes arise to describe diversity, the Game never uses these words. I found these words make more sense when I interpret them this way:
∙ Good means I prefer or desire it; I like it; I want it; I am happy with it.
∙ Bad means I do not prefer or desire it; I don’t like it; I don’t want it; I am unhappy with it.
What I evaluate as good or bad may not be considered the same by others. That does not make either of us good or bad, right or wrong, or the things we evaluate intrinsically good or bad. We are simply expressing our preferences.
Differences in size, shape, speech, race, customs, disposition, behavior, religion, politics, and food choices of individuals are all forms of diversity. Variety is an essential aspect of the Game of Life for exploration, adventure, and expansion. Life would be dull without anything to attract or repulse. The absence of likes or dislikes would present no opportunity for freedom of choice and resultant fun opportunities.
I observe the diversity and affirm, “It’s all good! It’s all for my benefit, whether I like it or not, whether I want it or not! It’s all OK because it’s the way the Game of Life works. Variety contributes to my fun.”
10. Law of Expansion
The imperative for expansion is built into every aspect of the universe. New galaxies are born and accelerate away from each other at increasing speed. Evolution is constantly creating new species of life.
Law of Expansion: THE-FLOWof energy expands with infinite resources to meet the desires of every Game player.
Notice there is dramatically more stuff on earth than a century ago. Where did the expansion of this stuff come from? THE-FLOW delivered these manifestations in answer to the desires, envisions, and expectations of people as they played Life’s Game by focusing on what they wanted.
When we imagine and desire, we tap into THE-FLOW. As the preparations begin for the delivery (manifestation) of our desires, the supply is replenished from the Law of Expansion’s unlimited resources. It’s all part of the structure of the Game.
There is no competition in the Game of Life because resources expand to supply all desires. Everyone has an equal chance to win by getting as much satisfaction, happiness, and material things as they choose by their thoughts. Nothing is reduced or diluted as more people join in the Game and tap into THE-FLOW energy field.