20. Game of Life Skills

     The best players in any game are the ones who hone their gameplay skills. Because the Game of Life is played in the energy environment of THE-FLOW, Life’s successful players hone their skills that optimize their energy flow.

     In the game of football, the winning play is kicking the ball into the goal for a score. Soccer players strive to improve their kicking skills.


     In baseball, the winning play is hitting a home run. Baseball players strive to improve their batting skills.


     In the Game of Life, the winning play is noticing the emotion triggered by a thought and then deciding to keep or change the thought.


Life players strive to improve their emotion awareness and mental focus skills.




   I learned to nurture four Gameplay mental skills:

  • Listen to Intuition;
  • Pause & prepare;
  • Stay focused;
  • Learn from emotion.


Intuition is my inner quiet voice that answers when I ask for guidance. It is the gut feeling, sudden insight, urging, or a sense of knowing without conscious reasoning, my inner wisdom, sometimes revealed through tingling, goosebumps, tears, or a knot in my stomach. It is guidance from my Inner-Spirit-GPS-Coach. I practice listening.

Game-of-Life Dog listening to Intuition


    ▸PAUSE & PREPARE: My Gameplay is better and my enjoyment is greater when I pause and prepare before making a decision or taking an action.

I pause to ask myself:


  • Why this decision or action now?
  • What outcome do I want?
  • What does my Intuition tell me?
  • Does it feel good (high vibration)?

My answers help me decide the best choice for everyone involved.


   ▸STAY FOCUSED: The Law of Attraction brings a match to my thoughts but rarely instantly. It takes about 17 seconds of focused continued thought on a subject before the Law brings more similar thoughts. I am pleased about this delay because it gives me a time buffer decide if I like a thought that pops into my mind. If I don’t like the way it feels, I can discard it before it attracts more like it.



   When I stay focused on a subject for over a minute, things to deliver the manifestation are gathered and added to my destinations.

   Once I choose a decision, I next make it my best choice by putting all my energy into it, believing in it, going “all in,” and expecting its results.

   I know that any out-of-focus thoughts or arguments against my decision guarantee I won’t get what I want and won’t be happy. I also know it’s OK to change my mind to another decision after I give my initial decision a fair opportunity to deliver results.

   Expert players in the Game of Life know the Law of Attraction works whether they are focused or not. When they focus their intention and attention, they experience being in THE-FLOW, often creating surprise, sometimes miraculous,  manifestations.

The-FLOW Gsme of life energy field


   ▸LEARN FROM MY EMOTION: Emotions provide instantaneous feedback on how well I am playing Life’s Game at that moment.

To learn from the information my emotions provide, I developed this habit:

  1. a) Keep the Emotional Frequency Scale nearby as a handy reference to check how I’m feeling.
  2. b) Notice my emotion and name it.
  3. c) Check its frequency level on the emotion scale.
  4. d) Construct a thought that generates an emotion on the next higher level. (Since I am highly visual, I usually imagine a picture-thought).
  5. e) Say, imagine, or intensely think that new thought until it generates a higher frequency feeling.
  6. f) Repeat, moving up the scale one level each time until satisfied.



   I recommend this skill-building practice to players of all ages. Download the Game-of-Life Emotion Frequency Scale for your reference:


   When players slip, stumble, or make an error, they say to themselves, “That’s OK; It means I’m still human! This is all part of the Game.” They start anew, climb back up, and enjoy the journey of continuing to develop their Game skills.

Game-of-life- 4-laws

21. Game-of-Life Coach


   Game coaches help their players build game skills. Great coaches assist players to reach their full potential by teaching specific skills and giving feedback, encouragement, and guidance.

   Human coaches are an important component of life-skills building because they are physically visible, can demonstrate the skills, and can hold players accountable.

   Each player in Life’s Game receives subtle GPS-like guidance instructions to all their desired destinations from their Inner-Spirit Game Coach, who provides play-by-play feedback through emotions, intuition, and inspiration rather than through movement of a vehicle icon on a GPS map.

  Wherever a Life-player focuses thought, their Inner-Spirit coach focuses also, but always in the most loving way that organizes the resources in Life’s Game to meet their Life-player’s desires.

   My Inner-Spirit coach, whom I call Soaring Eagle, encourages me along my path to the easiest manifestation of my desires by giving hints: a word, dream, picture, phrase, billboard, event, an idea out of the blue. Often, Soaring Eagle seems to supply the words or thoughts for my writing as a download.



   On a morning walk, exercising with dumbbell hand weights, my arms became excessively fatigued. I hid the dumbbells behind a tree and continued to the end of my usual walking loop.

   Absorbed in the pleasantness of the day and the ocean view on my way back, I walked past the tree without a thought about the weights.

   A few minutes later, a man walked toward me pumping his arms up and down with small dumbbells, reminding me to retrieve my weights.

   This was another example of the Law of Attraction working in my life to match up my desire with this man’s arm-strengthening desire, (the same frequency). My inner coach, Soaring Eagle, arranged the timing to remind me to retrieve my weights.

   It was no coincidence because I never saw anyone walking with weights before or after that day. My inner coach worked with the Game-of-Life laws to deliver what I wanted.  


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