Life's Playbook Law-of-Attraction-tuner

1. Law of Attraction

     Assembling a crystal radio was the first experiment in the electronics section when I taught physics. It takes only three simple components to make a radio tuner that selectively pulls from among the hundreds of frequencies available only the station I choose as I adjust the tuning frequency by turning the dial.

Life's Playbook Law-of-Attraction-tuner

     I use the simple crystal radio to illustrate the most important Law of the Game of Life because we are vibrational beings and the Law of Attraction works much like a radio tuner. From the many frequencies of thought energy around us, the Law tunes only to the energy frequency of my thought at that moment. The Law does not know or care whether I am thinking about what I want or thinking about its absence that I do not want. It just brings more of the same energy frequency as whatever I am thinking.


LAW of ATTRACTION: Thoughts attract more similar energy.


     After a quarter minute of thought on a single topic, I begin to vibrate at the frequency of the thought and start to attract similar thoughts. THE-FLOW brings more of whatever energy I radiate. When I think, speak, or write about a subject, I am instructing the Law: “Go find and bring me more of similar energy.”


     A full minute of focused attention initiates the delivery process for the manifestation of the physical reality matching my vibration. Just as a vehicle increases its momentum the longer it accelerates (Newton’s Laws of Motion), my attractive momentum accelerates the longer I focus on a thought (Law of Attraction). I like the buffer of time between initial thought and the beginnings of the physical manifestation process because it permits me to change my thought in case my thought is something I don’t want.


      I now see more clearly how the Law of Attraction has worked in my life. It got my attention one morning in San Pedro. Dona and I had come from Louisiana for her to attend a week-long class in hypnosis. On Sunday morning, I went searching for the bakery with delicious bear-claw pastries I discovered on a prior trip.

     I tried to retrace my steps from the previous time. When I could not find the bakery, I began a crisscross pattern of searching the empty streets. I really, really wanted to find that bakery and get those bear-claws again. I was getting hungrier by the minute and could almost taste them as I envisioned biting into one in the bakery.

      As I walked, I noticed a small blank white card on the sidewalk. I followed the impulse to pick it up. When I turned it over, it was the business card for the bakery with the address. With that information, I easily found the bakery and bought the delicious bear-claws again.

Game of Life bakery-card-san-pedro

     That was my first realization of how the Law of Attraction works. Strange as it seems, I now know that my powerful concentration on finding the bakery caused that card to be in my path. I don’t know how or when it got there. I have since concluded that figuring out how the Law of Attraction makes things happen is beyond our human minds. I just happily accept the results.


      One morning after we moved to hilly Palos Verdes, I decided to bring some small dumbbell hand weights on my morning walk so I could exercise my arms. Halfway through my walk, my arms were so tired that I needed to put the dumbbells down to continue my walk. I hid them behind a neighborhood sign and made a mental note to remember to retrieve them on my way back.

      I continued my walk to the end of my usual loop and began my return. Enjoying the ocean view and the pleasantness of the day, I walked past the sign that hid my dumbbells without a thought about them. A few minutes later, I saw a man walking toward me who was pumping his arms up and down with some small dumbbells.


     That sight reminded me to retrieve mine. I turned around, walked back, and got them. Just a coincidence? I  believe not. It was another example of the Law of Attraction matching up my desires with this man’s arm-strengthening desires, timed to remind me to retrieve my weights. That was the only day I ever saw anyone walking with dumbells. 


     I’ve learned that when I have some discomfort or pain, if I focus on how much it hurts and how bad I feel, I get more of the same and feel worse. The sooner I change my focus to how good I am already feeling, the faster it goes away.

   Pushing against anything creates the effect of an energy boomerang.


Thinking about or protesting things I don’t want radiates their frequency and causes them to show up in my life even more. That’s why instead of protesting what I dislike, I ignore it. I become instead an advocate, promoter, and energy radiator of what I do want.




     Mother Theresa knew the power of the Law of Attraction when she said, “I will not join a march against war, but I will join one for peace.”



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Life’s Playbook