

     Games have rules and referees to enforce them. While no player has any choice about laws, players are free to play by the rules or to violate them, to observe them or break them. Breaking the rules invokes consequences enforced by the referee. In addition to the four laws, the Game of Life has three rules.


► GAME of LIFE RULE #1: Accept and love myself.


     My Inner-Spirit is a droplet of the Divine clothed in temporal flesh. The Divine is all love, all good, and so is every Game-Player as a participant in the Divine. As such, we all deserve everything the space-time world has to offer. We are worthy and deserving of health, wealth, companionship, freedom, all good things.

     Every player in Life’s Game gets the freedom to choose to love themself and accept the divine creature they are. If they put themself down or think they are not good enough, they tell themself an enormous lie. Each of us is divine, worthy and deserving of everything life offers.

     We all came to play Life’s Game. Bumps in the road, stumbles, and mistaken turns off our path are all learning experiences of normal Gameplay. Those do not negate our goodness and worthiness. My Inner-Spirit loves the human part of me, no matter what I do. That’s true for every player’s Inner-Being.

     The Game of Life referee is built into the Law of Attraction. If someone were to break the rule to love themself, they would emit low-frequency vibes attracting more low-frequency, unpleasant emotions back to themself. They would feel like they were in an emotional spiral downward. If they lingered there with similar thoughts, things they don’t like would start arriving because they don’t like themselves. They might even feel they deserved the unpleasant things happening to them, but that is never true.


     Each of us is liquid love in a physical body, the vessel through which Divine Source Energy flows. We are that Divine Energy. The only difference between ourselves and the Divine Creator is that we are created; we did not create the Divine Source.


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Life’s Playbook