
Game Energy Aliases

     As humans and religions evolved, the powerful energy field that powers life, THE-FLOW, was given different names by various groups, sometimes mixing in the laws of the Game. Some aliases for the energy flow in the Game of Life are:



     Used by New Age metaphysical teachers for the workings of life’s powerful energetic forces. They use it to mean the creative action by the Divine, All-That-Is, the Undeniable-Unexplainable, Life’s Game Creator. {➤ This term is a more general concept compatible with the Game of Life laws and rules described in this playbook}.



       Means life is an effect flowing from a cause. Every cause generates one or more effects. Every effect has a cause. Each person will experience in their present lifetime the effects of their thoughts, emotions, and actions in this present lifetime. {➤ This meaning of Karma is compatible with the Game of Life laws and rules described in this Playbook}.



     A second use of the term karma alleges a person’s life is determined by the sum of that person’s actions in previous lives. {➤ This Life’s Playbook presents an opposite, anti-karma belief, in which each lifetime is complete unto itself; there is no build-up of reward or punishment for any future lifetimes. Everyone gets their heaven-on-earth satisfaction, or their absence of satisfaction, hell-on-earth, during this lifetime. A person returns to pure ALL-spirit after their lifetime. If they choose to come again, it is with an entirely fresh start. They may choose an environment to learn more about a personality trait that they uncovered in a prior lifetime.}



    A prediction that causes itself to be true because of the believer’s behavior of predicting it and believing in it. {➤ This accurately describes how the Law of Attraction works: whatever someone predicts for their future is the energy they radiate, to which the Law of Attraction responds, enabling THE-FLOW to fulfill their expectations}.



     The belief events unfold beyond a person’s control as if determined by a supernatural power. {➤ For persons who do not yet know the laws and rules of the Game of Life, their experience will certainly seem out of their control because it is determined by the supernatural Law of Attraction delivering whatever matches the energy of their thoughts. Since they do not notice, control, or focus their thoughts, they do not recognize they are causing their results, and believe their life is not controllable. As this Playbook affirms, we create our fate by our thoughts}.



     Success or failure occurs by random chance rather than through one’s actions. {➤ Life is not random chance. It is governed by the powerful force of the Law of Attraction created by ALL so that each person can master their life and make of it whatever they choose. Life is directed by our exercise of free will in making choices. We experience the results of whatever we thought, said, or did. Our life is tailored to deliver into our experience those persons, things, and circumstances that match the energy we radiate}.


     Used by Christians to mean participation in the free-flowing blessings from God. {➤ This is similar to THE-FLOW but not as all-encompassing because it is often related to the concept of sin and a need to be redeemed or saved. The Game of Life does not include a need for redemption, or of being saved because everything is already provided to us for a life of joy through the Law of Attraction and THE-FLOW}.



    A metaphysical, spiritual, and omnipresent power used by the Jedi and Sith monastic orders in the Star Wars sagas. {➤ The term has moved into the popular language to mean the same as THE-FLOW}.



     Used by quantum physicists to refer to the vibrating energy matrix. {➤ Synonymous withTHE-FLOW}.



     Name used by psychologists for the Inner-Spirit, the ALL-part of humans. {➤ The Superconscious Inner-Spirit is a conduit for THE-FLOW, but is much more}.



     Name used by Christians with multiple meanings: the Game-Creator, the spiritual realm over which God reigns as king, Heaven, the fulfillment on Earth of God’s will, soul, the ALL-part of humans. {➤ For clarity, this Playbook avoids these terms because they are used with many different meanings}.



     Name used by spiritual self-help gurus for the vibrating energy matrix. {➤ Synonymous with THE-FLOW}.


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