
Game Scoring

     Scores are kept in games so players and spectators know who is winning during the game and who is the winner at the end of the game.    


     Because every player in the Game of Life can win all the satisfaction, fun, and joy they choose without affecting other players, no external public score is needed. There is no competition in Life’s Game because each player has sole control of their gameplay and the Law of Expansion increases the resources to supply every player.

     Each player scores as much joy, satisfaction, and fun as they allow. Each player supports their team members by the observance of the Golden Rule. They give the freedom, love, and support they desire for themselves to every other player, allowing each player to determine their happiness score.


      If a player doesn’t observe either or both of the Rules of Life’s Game, the Law of Attraction automatically fills the function of a referee by providing the appropriate penalty, a response matched to the player’s frequency. An unpleasant emotion will follow because emotions are the body’s energetic response to the match/mismatch of a player’s thoughts with that of the player’s Inner-Spirit. The nervous system triggers the release of chemicals that create a sensation of feeling. Our emotion at any instant is like the indicator of our location on a GPS device. 




     Lower frequency emotions indicate I am off my Game’s path. As long as I remain feeling poorly, thinking the same thoughts, manifestations (destinations) matching those feelings will be on the way to me.

      A rule infraction, breaking the rule, has no permanent effect. We can choose to recover from unloving thoughts by changing them. Once we trade self-loathing thoughts for self-acceptance (Rule #1) and treat others more lovingly (Rule#2), better-feeling emotions will arrive, an indicator of progress in getting back on the blue line path to our desired destinations.


Game-of-LIFE-back on GPS-path


     Our emotions provide us with an instantaneous personal Game score because the vibration frequency of our emotions indicates if we are on the path to our destination (the blue line) or how far off the path. High-frequency emotions mean we are moving smoothly along our path. When we feel good, we allow the good to flow. When we maintain that high-frequency state, we experience the happy life we chose when we came.


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Life’s Playbook