21. Game-of-Life Coach


   Game coaches help their players build game skills. Great coaches assist players to reach their full potential by teaching specific skills and giving feedback, encouragement, and guidance.

   Human coaches are an important component of life-skills building because they are physically visible, can demonstrate the skills, and can hold players accountable.

   Each player in Life’s Game receives subtle GPS-like guidance instructions to all their desired destinations from their Inner-Spirit Game Coach, who provides play-by-play feedback through emotions, intuition, and inspiration rather than through movement of a vehicle icon on a GPS map.

  Wherever a Life-player focuses thought, their Inner-Spirit coach focuses also, but always in the most loving way that organizes the resources in Life’s Game to meet their Life-player’s desires.

   My Inner-Spirit coach, whom I call Soaring Eagle, encourages me along my path to the easiest manifestation of my desires by giving hints: a word, dream, picture, phrase, billboard, event, an idea out of the blue. Often, Soaring Eagle seems to supply the words or thoughts for my writing as a download.



   On a morning walk, exercising with dumbbell hand weights, my arms became excessively fatigued. I hid the dumbbells behind a tree and continued to the end of my usual walking loop.

   Absorbed in the pleasantness of the day and the ocean view on my way back, I walked past the tree without a thought about the weights.

   A few minutes later, a man walked toward me pumping his arms up and down with small dumbbells, reminding me to retrieve my weights.

   This was another example of the Law of Attraction working in my life to match up my desire with this man’s arm-strengthening desire, (the same frequency). My inner coach, Soaring Eagle, arranged the timing to remind me to retrieve my weights.

   It was no coincidence because I never saw anyone walking with weights before or after that day. My inner coach worked with the Game-of-Life laws to deliver what I wanted.