Living by Life’s Playbook – Week 4

11. Game of Life Creator

The Story of ALL

      A very, very long time ago, so long ago that it was before space, matter, and time existed, there was a bundle of consciousness. That’s all there was, nothing else but the bundle, an invisible cloud of massive, all-pervasive, conscious, multi-faceted thought-energy. Since nothing else existed, and it is all there was, ALL was its name revealed to me. Since ALL is definitely a conscious personality, not a lifeless “it,” I needed a personal pronoun to refer to ALL. All is neither male nor female, or non-binary in today’s terms, but in the absence of a singular genderless personal pronoun in English, I will use the plural “THEY, THEIR, THEM.”

     ALL thought, What fun it would be to make stuff. After much thought, they decided to make stuff composed of very tiny amounts of themselves, consciousness energy that could vibrate and bind together to make other stuff. They planned that there would be endless ways for their energy to transform and reveal itself with different effects, even forming things that seem to be more than just energy, something new, solid matter.

     The initial consciousness energy they spun from themselves could never be destroyed; it would last forever.

     They decided to create a huge complex “playground” environment where everything is mechanically connected by fixed formulas that would permit it to change and evolve. They built in the mechanisms to fulfill the mandate they created for themselves: Increase, diversify, and expand, forever.

     ALL realized that because the playground would be capable of change, that feature itself would create something else that did not yet exist, TIME, the measurement of change.

     Because they planned to create everything from their own consciousness energy, the processes they imbued in the stuff would cause it to grow and evolve from low levels of consciousness to higher and higher levels of consciousness to ultimately being reunited with ALL in pure consciousness form.

     What fun to cause all this to come into existence and to watch it evolve and change and develop and expand, they thought. They planned out all the processes and interactions, what we would call the laws and rules. They bundled all this into the consciousness energy they spun out of themselves and created the universe in a single flash.  ALL created the Game of Life, the Laws, Rules, and THE-FLOW energy environment. ALL is having great fun participating in every unfolding everywhere simultaneously,

     With the Big Bang, ALL created the energy field stretching in every direction filled with trillions of pools of nuclear fusion energy fed by the attractive forces between tiny energy pods we have named hydrogen and helium atoms. They imbued it with the mechanisms ALL used to create it, vibrating thought energy translated into manifested matter. 

     Because things began to change, time began to measure the changes. For ALL, it is happening simultaneously from the Big Bang moment, but for the new space-time universe, time was passing at a steady rate that humans call slowly, unless they are having great fun, and then time passes too quickly.


     Time passed, unimaginable time. ALL’s plan unfolded with the lowest level of consciousness generating change: electromagnetic, thermal, kinetic, and nuclear energy radiation. 

     Slowly, eventually, uncountable time later, the changes, coordinated by ALL’s plan, synergized to reveal a higher level of conscious energy which enabled reproduction, the hallmark feature of what we call life. ALL’s plan gradually unfolded as life became more complex at different rates and with different outcomes throughout the universe in trillions of locations speeding apart from each other. 

     ALL is very pleased as THEIR playground evolves. When everything is prepared, as part of the plan, ALL fulfills THEIR mandate to expand by pulling off tiny droplets of THEIR consciousness energy identical in every way to THEMSELVES. In creating these Droplets, ALL retains every aspect of THEIR being. ALL continues undiminished.

    The ALL-Droplets have all the powers and attributes of ALL, including the freedom to choose expansion by entry into the time-space physical playground of the universe to enjoy the experience for a limited time. When the Droplets choose to play on planet Earth, they become Players in the Game of Life.



12. Game of Life Players


(Continued from  Game Creator)

      The ALL-Droplets have all the powers and attributes of ALL, including the freedom to choose expansion by entry into the time-space physical universe playground to enjoy the experience for a limited time.

     When they choose to enter the physical playground called Earth, these spinoffs continue being eternal, immaterial, and part of ALL. They just add a physical aspect temporarily for the adventure. These Spinoffs now have two energy vibrations: their physical mind-body and their Droplet ALL consciousness, called their Inner-Spirit.

     To make for a more interesting adventure, their new physical-mind component forgets all that their Inner-Spirit ALL knows. Thus, they are free to learn, develop new desires, and experience adventures without the limitation of prior memory.

     We Earthlings are these composite physical-immaterial beings here for a lifetime as the PLAYERS in the Game of Life. We have all the powers of ALL to convert thought energy into physical form with the process ALL created and built into the physical universe. That process, called the Law of Attraction, causes energy vibrations of similar frequencies to attract each other so they reinforce and mutually amplify until they become strong enough to manifest into physical reality. How this works out for each of us is how we play the Game of Life.


     Because shrewd computer designers made computers like us, technology makes a good analogy to understand ourselves.

     Computers come in many styles, features, and manufacturers. Your computer has a protective case with a logo indicating its origin. We each enter this world with a distinctive DNA structure inherited from our parents, including hundreds of epigenetic switches able to turn the DNA on/off depending on factors under our control. We bear the logo of our parents in every cell.

     Our five senses are like the computer screen, keyboard, microphone, and speaker to get information into and out of our brain CPU. Our brain, like a computer, emits external electromagnetic energy waves from the firings of electrical charges between nerve cells triggered by focus, stimuli, or memory.



     Our consciousness is a complex, little-understood faculty enabling us to think, to be aware of the world and our experiences, to remember, to imagine, and to be aware of ourselves. Mind is throughout the body with each cell contributing, but the primary focus location is in the brain with a secondary concentration in the heart.

     Our emotions are an interplay between our body, mind, and Inner-Spirit. They play a key role in the Game.

     Our mind is categorized into the aspects of conscious, subconscious, and superconscious, each with different effects in Gameplay.

Conscious Mind

     Philosophers have speculated for centuries about consciousness and mind. Poetry, religious books, and Shakespeare’s plays contain allusions to consciousness without explaining it.

     The brain is the physical device for consciousness but not consciousness itself, somewhat like the computer memory chip is the physical device that holds the song but is not the song. Consciousness remains a mystery, but you decided to read this book with your conscious mind.

     Our conscious mind is the kitchen where thoughts are cooked up. It is the mixer of inputs from our senses, our habits, our beliefs, external thought energy, inspirations, and imagination. It is our decision control center where we exercise our freedom to think and to act and to enforce “willpower.”

     Because staying alive is its highest priority, it resists change from a fear that the unknown may be worse than the present experience. It goes offline during sleep and goes partly offline with closed-eye deep breathing and autosuggestion.

     We play the Game of Life mostly in our conscious mind because our decisions about what we think originate here. This is the center for our thoughts that are the driving force of our play in Life’s Game.

     Our conscious mind is like an app (application program) focused on one task at a time. The Law of Attraction will bring more of the thoughts that are occupying our conscious mind. Our life follows the natural flow of thoughts evoking emotions that lead to actions to cause results.

     Deciding to keep or change thoughts is the primary Game play function of the conscious mind. The choices can keep us BALANCED, or cause a whirlpool of DOWN emotions, or invite a joyous spiral of UP emotions.



Subconscious Mind

     The subconscious is the human operating system, a powerful assistant to our conscious mind. Just as a computer operating system handles the behind-the-scenes tasks, our subconscious handles hundreds of tasks based on its settings in our control center, many hidden from our conscious mind. 

     Our subconscious runs all our body functions and our neuron/muscle-firing programs called habits for our dozens of learned response patterns. Its expandable memory stores every sensation, word heard or spoken, every image seen or imagined. It never goes offline. It creates our dreams while our conscious mind sleeps.

     We play much of our Game of Life from automatic programs in our subconscious that free our conscious mind to focus on its important task of controlling thoughts and decisions. We have hundreds of involuntary responses, like subroutines, small programs of stored nerve and muscle responses that get us through most of life’s activities, sometimes resulting in spontaneous emotions.

     Our subconscious mind holds our database of beliefs that are both the starting material and filter for our thoughts. We stored most of our beliefs during childhood, and they may be hidden from our view. We can choose to expose, evaluate, and change them.

     Understanding our subconscious is key to playing the Game well because our beliefs, habits, and reactions arise from there involuntarily. It is after they show themselves in our consciousness that we get to choose between keeping and feeding them, or not. Whatever thoughts and emotions we keep, the Law of Attraction will feed with more of the same and they will grow.


Superconscious Mind

     Our superconscious is the eternal divine spinoff that took on flesh to become human, who will return to pure spirit when our body dies, who connects us to Divine Intelligence and to all non-physical, past, present, and future. It is another name for our Inner-Spirit, that part always loving, never judging, and always finding the easiest way to be happy and to experience what we desire in our physical world.

     When we notice something that we like, our superconscious Inner-Spirit accepts our desire and taps into THE-FLOW  to prepare all the connections, resources, and everything needed to deliver our desire. Our superconscious leads us to the manifestation of our desires with urgings, ideas, inspirations, something we read, a photo, or anything to move us in the direction of allowing, of opening ourselves to THE-FLOW. When we are ready, our superconscious funnels THE-FLOW to achieve our Law of Attraction results.

     As we play the Game of Life, our superconscious acts as our GPS, constantly prompting us with thoughts for what to do next. These promptings will be the easiest way to get what we want.

     It is OK if we ignore a prompt. Just like a GPS, our superconscious will adjust the route to our desire and give us promptings for the adjusted path. Also like a GPS, it never gets angry or impatient, never tires of calculating a rerouted path, and never gives up giving us promptings and inspiration toward our desired goal.

     Our superconscious connects us to everyone who ever lived or still lives. Our superconscious is our direct channel for communication with deceased relatives, with past experts in whatever skill we desire, or with anyone we wish to contact. Our superconscious connects us to the spirit part of our living relatives and friends.

     Most people have experienced knowing the exact time when something happened to someone to whom they were energetically connected. Often I’ve received a call from someone just as I was thinking about calling them, a sure sign of the communication between my superconscious and the superconscious of the other person.

     Our superconscious is our infinite power source for miracles. Since this is our piece of divinity, it is infinite and all-powerful. It can heal our body from any disease. It taps into THE-FLOW to perform whatever miracles we are willing to allow and accept. Our superconscious mind continues as unchanged pure positive spirit energy that leaves our body at Game Transformation.


     Habits are programmed automatic responses stored in our subconscious as nervous system programs. We love habits because they free our conscious mind from repetitive tasks essential to daily living. Once the pattern of repetition is mastered, our conscious mind sends the control of a repetitive activity down to our subconscious as a habit program that we can run whenever we need it without requiring conscious thought.

     Walking: As an infant, I spent conscious energy over weeks learning how to walk. I concentrated on firing neurons to move muscles in a pattern that imitated what I saw adults doing. Encouragement from Mom and Dad motivated me to keep trying to get the pattern right even though I kept falling. Finally, I figured it out and wobbled my first steps. With more practice, my walking got smoother, but still needed my conscious effort. Eventually, walking needed less conscious thought as it became a routine program habit.

     Now everything about walking no longer needs conscious thought. Once I decide with my conscious mind where I want to walk, my subconscious autopilot uses my stored walking program to manage all the details of the proper sequence of muscle firings. There are even subroutines for balance recovery when I lean too much left, or right, forward, or backward. Habits in my subconscious handle much of my life activity.



     Emotions are physical reactions in our body and mind. Sometimes the thought comes first, like sadness when we watch a movie with scenes of suffering. Sometimes an emotion can seem like it “came-out-of-the-blue,” when it comes from an automatic program reaction in our subconscious.

     Awareness of our emotions and what they convey is essential to successful Gameplay. They provide information about how aligned our thinking is with the thinking of our Inner-Spirit so we can decide whether to change our thoughts or not. Like a car’s gas gauge, emotions are neither good nor bad, but provide information for a decision about what to do next.


     Wherever I focus my thoughts, my Inner-Spirit focuses also, but always in the most loving, positive way. If I have judgmental, fearful, or any negative thoughts, my Inner-Spirit does not have similar thoughts, and I can tell by the way I feel. I feel an unpleasant emotion.

     Our Inner-Spirit constantly loves us, guides us to allow THE-FLOW to achieve what we desire, and never judges us. When our thoughts align with what our Inner-Spirit is thinking, we “feel good” (pleasing emotions in the higher frequencies). When our thoughts do not align, we “feel bad” (unpleasant emotions in the lower frequencies).

     Our emotions indicate the alignment between our thoughts and our Inner-Spirit’s thoughts at each moment. They are the best indicators of how well we are playing the Game, how happy we will be, and how quickly what we desire will manifest.

     The key to great Game play is noticing, naming, and raising the vibration frequency of our emotions.


13. Game Emotion Scale


The following chart adapted from ABRAHAM-HICKS is a scale of emotions ranked by frequency with the highest frequency at the top and the lowest at the bottom:


+7.  Joy, Love, Freedom, Knowledge, Appreciation, Empowerment

+6.  Passion

+5.  Enthusiasm, Eagerness, Happiness

+4.  Positive Expectation, Belief

+3.  Optimism

+2.  Hopefulness

+1.  Contentment, Satisfaction, Replenishment

 0 —Release-Trust-Let-go––boundary—

– 1.  Boredom, Stagnation, Stuck

– 2.  Pessimism 

– 3.  Frustration, Irritation, Impatience

– 4.  Overwhelmed

– 5.  Disappointed, Dissatisfied

– 6.  Doubt 

– 7.  Worry, Anxiety

– 8.  Blame

– 9.  Discouragement

– 10. Anger

– 11. Revenge, Judgment, Righteousness

– 12. Hatred, Rage

– 13. Jealousy

– 14. Insecurity, Guilt, Unworthiness

– 15. Fear, Depression, Powerlessness, Grief, Despair, Helplessness



     I imagine the emotional scale as the profile of a European hotel with level zero as the ground floor at street level. The better-feeling emotions are on the upper, positive-numbered levels. They have windows that let in the sunshine that signals I am on the route to things I desire. The level seven penthouse is where I want to be!


Game-of-Life-Emotion-Scale-like hotel


      Sometimes, I realize I am on a negative-numbered basement parking level. My unpleasant emotion means I have a low-frequency vibration, am off my path, and attracting unwanted things. The deeper the level, the farther off my path and the farther I must climb to get up to the daylight, the joy, and the things I desire.

     Emotions are indicators that tell where we are so we can decide what to do next. If we enjoy an emotion, we can keep the thought that generated it and attract more. If we aren’t enjoying an emotion, we can change our thoughts to generate a more pleasing emotion.



     It is normal Gameplay to find oneself on occasion in the basement, off our path. We get back on our path by replacing the thoughts that caused the emotions with thoughts that stimulate better-feeling emotions. Climbing back up to thoughts that trigger good-feeling emotions is a Game skill we can learn. Our Inner-Spirit is always coaching us to do so.   


     NOTE: The positions and positive/negative numbers on the Emotion Vibration Scale are assigned to show the vibrational frequency of each emotion relative to the others. No emotion is negative in the sense of BAD. All emotions are beneficial (GOOD) because they clarify your vibration level, thus enabling you to choose to adjust your thinking and play a better Game.

     Download a copy of the Emotion Frequency Scale as a handy reference to monitor Game performance:

Download Emotion Frequency Scale

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