game of life gameplay

Game Play

     In Life’s Game, we play directly with THE-FLOW energy field through our thoughts, imagination, and movement.

Game-of-Life- energy field flow


     Although we are in a bath of energy vibrations, only those that match the frequency of our thoughts at any moment involve our Gameplay. THE-FLOW is creative in matching us with people, circumstances, and events that have frequencies matching ours, delivering them at just the right time. Its limitless resources provide whatever we vibrationally request by the energy we radiate as we play the Game.

Game-of-Life Energy Field flow

     Playing a physical game of football involves not only my actions, but also those of the other players on both teams, the field conditions, the spectators, the weather, and other circumstances. Playing the Game of Life similarly involves other people, circumstances, and events, each radiating their unique energy. Each player in Life’s Game experiences physical manifestations that match their energy frequency. Those result from the Law of Attraction’s delivery of the appropriate frequency-matched circumstances and events.


    I first learned of these energy-matched manifestations from my teachers and mentors. I know it is true because I have experienced it over and over again in my life, as has my wife, Eva. Here is the story of our most recent confirmation of the Law working in our lives:

    Five weeks before a planned workshop she would teach in Provence, France, Eva fell and broke her leg. It was repaired with a long steel bolt up into the hip socket.  We envisioned her traveling and teaching despite the predicted extended recovery time using a walker. I walk with the aid of a walking stick for balance and leg-ankle-foot braces for my drop-foot on each side.

     We learned we could get Accès Plus wheelchair assistance in the French SNCF train stations through an online request submitted 24 hours before need. We got help with the French language input but were unable to buy, borrow, or otherwise find the required French cell phone with a number beginning with zero. 

     Still intent on getting assistance, we identified a cellphone vendor near the Paris hotel where we would stay before taking the train to Avignon, and planned to purchase a cheap French phone so we could complete the request. The phone store didn’t open until 10:30, too late to purchase a phone, fill in the form, and submit it before our 11:30 train the next morning.




     We arrived at Gare to Lyons station at 10:00 AM the next day determined to find assistance. I pulled a roller suitcase in each hand with a backpack containing our two computers and my collapsed walking stick as Eva walked slowly and carefully with a cane. We discovered that the taxi had left us on a lower level and all the elevators were inoperable for maintenance. Neither of us could manage our bags on the escalator.

     I flagged down a driver and attempted to ask for help. After minutes of language mismatch, he finally understood. He hopped out of his car, motioned for us to follow him onto the escalator, grabbed both our bags, deposited them at the top of the escalator, smiled, and refused any payment.

     Twenty yards inside the huge station, I asked the first person I saw with an official-looking vest where we could get assistance boarding. He pointed down a walkway and started to give us directions. He hesitated, changed his mind, and said, “Follow me.” After a ten-minute walk across the station behind the man with Chef Incident Gare on his vest, we arrived at the Accès Plus office, the destination for our unsent request. Our guide had an extended unintelligible conversation in French with the person sitting behind a computer. I couldn’t tell by their facial expressions if the conversation was going well or not.

     To our surprise, the computer person jumped up and put Eva in a wheelchair. The two men took us to an empty train, helped us board, stowed our luggage, and guided us to our seats. Because our train originated from the station and wasn’t scheduled to leave for another forty minutes, we were the first aboard.

     When the train arrived in Avignon three hours later, we were greeted by two Accès Plus men with wheelchairs for both of us. We couldn’t have been happier about the way the trip unfolded.




     I know it was the Law of Attraction that delivered what we wanted. We envisioned the assistance we needed and stayed in a state of positive expectation that everything would work out.  We stayed in THE-FLOW. The results matched the energy we radiated.

     How were the right people in the right spots at the right time? Why did the Station Chief change his mind to lead us instead of giving directions? I have given up trying to understand how the Law of Attraction Manager arranges interactions so that everyone receives results that match their energy. It is beyond human comprehension, but the way things work.


     Our life is the flow of thoughts leading to emotions, leading to actions, yielding results. We play Life’s Game in our conscious mind because our decisions about what we think originate there. The primary Gameplay is not actions; it is decisions about thoughts. Each choice summons more thoughts that will keep us emotionally balanced, or lead to a spiral of joyous UP emotions, or a whirlpool of unpleasant DOWN emotions.

     Our vibrations affect all the cells in our body. Depending on their frequency, they can cause illness and pain, or they can turn pain off and heal illness. We are already our own doctor-healer or poisoner through our choices for our mind’s focus on wellness or illness.




     The Law of Attraction is the most powerful law affecting Game results. It uniformly delivers results so those who think about their wealth with confidence and expectancy get richer. Those who appreciate their blessings get even more. Those who imagine their ideal relationship find their perfect partner. Those who think they are poor or worry about their income get more poverty. Those who talk of their illness get more sickness. Those who worry about their safety become victims. Those who focus on appreciation, love, and joy are happy.

     There are cosmic consequences to what we broadcast in our personal energy signature of thoughts, feelings, and expectations: What we think about, comes about.

     The effect is like using a Global Positioning System (GPS). My GPS navigation device, usually a phone, continually collects signals from three satellites, calculates my position on Earth’s surface, and shows it on my device’s map.




     I decide upon a destination and enter its address. From a database of road maps, my GPS program calculates multiple paths to my destination, recommends an optimized route with a blue line, and gives me detailed turn instructions. As I proceed, my location is updated. If I go off the path, the GPS program recalculates a new route from my current position and sends new instructions.




     The Laws of Life’s Game structure our play like navigating with a GPS for our desires. Our desires continuously emit attraction vibrations of thought energy. Like a GPS, our Inner-Spirit accepts our desires as destinations, calculates the routes to all destinations, and suggests the next moves along an optimized path to the manifestation of each desire. These suggestions come through impulses, thoughts, intuition, dreams, and physical promptings, such as a song lyric, a phrase from a book, a photo, a conversation, or even a pet’s actions.

     My emotions continuously broadcast my position. High-frequency, good-feeling emotions signal I am on my optimal route, on the blue line. Low-frequency, unpleasant emotions signal I am off the route. Emotions are like the gas gauge in my car, neither good nor bad, but provide important information for my decision about what to do next, either to keep or to change my current thought.

     If I get off my blue-line path and into the weeds, my Inner-Spirit GPS wizard calculates a revised routing to get me headed toward my destinations and sends me updated suggestions.




     When my expanding life experiences generate changes to my destinations by adding new desires or amending existing ones, my Inner-Spirit revises my destination list and computes a new route optimized for my current position and readiness for the next destination. Like my phone GPS, each path adjustment is made easily, immediately, and blamelessly.




     Our primary Gameplay is deciding to keep or change a thought. We control the adventure, satisfaction, and fun in our Game by managing our thoughts and emotions.




► Our BIRTHRIGHT as Life’s PLAYER: We are each worthy and deserving of all goods things THE-FLOW delivers, anything we desire to Be, Do, or Have.


► Our POWER as Life’s PLAYER: We each control the adventure, satisfaction, and fun in our Game by managing our thoughts.


► Our SUPERPOWER as Life’s PLAYER: Our wise, loving, powerful Coach constantly guides us from within to maximize Life’s FUN.

FUN in the Game-of-Life


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Life’s Playbook