As humans populated the planet, they developed stories to explain their presence, what they observed, and how they arrived in their physical environment. They also fabricated explanations for what they could not understand.

     Tribes formed and migrated. Differences in experiences, dreams, and cultures led to many different stories about ALL and how the Divine worked with mankind. Many different names for ALL arose. 

     ALL smiles on this activity because it is exactly their intent for the playground with its laws and rules, a place of diversity and expansion, with the opportunity for each human spinoff energy to plot their unique course. Religion is how mankind has attempted to merge the story of ALL with the Laws and Rules of the Game of Life as understood in each culture.

     I believe the Game-Creator, ALL, is the ultimate Fun-Joy-Love person. A few of the names used for this person are Infinite Wisdom, Divine Intelligence, Source, Creator, God, All-loving, Almighty, Buddha, Allah, Yahweh, I Am, Jehovah, Jesus … The name does not matter because all these names refer to the same Person.  Humans have recognized the powerful energy force beyond themselves from the beginning of time and have attributed various names and attributes to explain it. Nearly every religion has recognized this Creator in some form or another.

     ALL relishes the different names and different stories, each helping a human group figure out how to play Life’s Game. ALL appreciates that no story or name is any truer than another. Every story that’s useful for assisting humans to play Life’s Game serves its purpose.  There are about 10,000 different religions, almost all based on local/cultural traditions with a small number of practitioners. A few religions have many followers as shown by the projected percentage of the world population by Pew Research from 2010 survey data:


Christianity  31.0%        
Islam 24.9%      
No religion affiliation 15.6%      
Hinduism 15.2%      
Buddhism 6.6%      
Chinese traditional religions 5.6%      
Sikhism 0.3%      
Other religions (~9000+) 0.8%              

     I remember from the time our family lived in Belgium, multiple highways leading into Brussels had the same name, Chaussée de Bruxelles, (Road to Brussels). It did not matter where someone traveled from, all the Chaussées de Bruxelles led to the same destination.

     Many different paths can lead to the same destination. Each person gets to choose their path. The Game-Creator did not make any rules about which path anyone should take. There are no rules about one religion being the best or only path. In the same way, believers in any of the many different religions, or no religion, can find their road to happiness by playing their Game of Life well.

     The ideal communication with the Game-Creator for each person is through their divine Inner-Spirit as they connect to THE-FLOW playing Life’s Game. Although religions offer a structure beneficial for many, the intermediary of a human-controlled religion is optional. Everyone is already saved, worthy of fun, adventure, wealth, health, happiness, and joy. Everyone can utilize their direct connection to the Game-Creator through their Inner-Spirit.


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