Game Skills

     The best players in any game are the ones who hone their gameplay skills. Because the Game of Life is played in the energy environment of THE-FLOW, Life’s successful players hone their skills that optimize their energy flow.

     In the game of football, the winning play is kicking the ball into the goal for a score. Players strive to improve their kicking skills.


     In baseball, the winning play is hitting a home run. Players strive to improve their batting skills.


     In the Game of Life, the winning play is noticing the emotion triggered by a thought and then deciding to keep or change the thought. Life players strive to improve their thought-management skills.




     I nurture three skills to improve my mental Gameplay: Listen to Intuition; Pause/prepare; Stay focused.


     LISTEN TO INTUITION: Intuition is my inner quiet voice that answers when I ask for guidance. It is the gut feeling, sudden insight, urging, or sense of knowing that arises without conscious reasoning. It is my inner wisdom, sometimes communicating through a physical sensation like tingling, goosebumps, tears, or a knot in my stomach. It is guidance from my Inner-Spirit-GPS-Coach. I practice listening. 

Game-of-Life Dog listening to Intuition

     PAUSE & PREPARE: Before making a decision or taking action, I find pausing and preparing improves my Gameplay and enjoyment. I pause to ask myself: Why make this decision or take this action?  Why now? What outcome do I want? What does my Intuition tell me? Does it feel good (am I in a high vibration)? How strong is my feeling? My answers help me find the vibration for the best choice for everyone involved.


     STAY FOCUSED: The Law of Attraction brings more of what I think about but doesn’t deliver it instantly. It takes about 17 seconds of focused continued thought on a subject before the Law brings more similar thoughts. I like the time this gives me to decide if I like a thought that pops into my mind. If I don’t like the way it feels, I can discard it before it attracts more. When I stay focused on a subject for over a minute, components to deliver the manifestation are gathered and added to my destinations.




     When I choose a decision, I then make it my own best decision by putting all my energy into it, believing in it, going “all In.” I’ve learned when I’m wishy-washy, I’m like the guy who kept putting his car in Drive then Reverse, then Drive, then Reverse, back and forth. He got nowhere and dug himself into a difficult rut.

     I know that thoughts and arguments against my decision are out-of-focus guarantees I won’t get what I want and won’t be happy. I also know it’s OK to change my mind later to another decision if I first give my original decision a real opportunity to play out into results.

Game-of-Life Energy Field flow

     Expert players in the Game of Life know the Law of Attraction is working whether they are focused or not. They experience THE-FLOW delivering miraculous manifestations faster when they focus their intention and attention. They listen to their Intuition, decide what they want and why they want it, and stay focused.

     When players slip, stumble, or make an error, they say to themselves, “That’s OK; It means I’m still human! This is all part of the Game.” They start anew, climb back up, and enjoy the journey of continuing to develop their Game skills.



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