2. Law of Bipolarity

     Humans invented words to talk of absence in the same way we talk about reality. For example, we speak of light and darkness.

     ● Light is a real thing; it is vibrating electromagnetic energy. It has real, measurable effects in plants, on photographic film, and on solar cells.

     ● Darkness is the abstract concept absence of light. Darkness has no effects and cannot be measured because it is not a real or tangible thing. It is only an idea, an invented expression for an absence.


     Similarly, we made night for the absence of daylight; poor for the absence of money; hunger for the absence of nourishment; naked for the absence of clothes; clean for the absence of dirt; homeless for the absence of shelter; empty for the absence of anything filling; dry for the absence of moisture; cold for the absence of thermal energy (heat); negative pole for the battery pole that has available electrons and positive pole for the one with a shortage or absence of electrons, … and the list continues to illustrate the bipolar nature of energy in the universe.


      Both the absence of a substance and the real presence of the substance have vibrational energy, but the vibrational frequencies are different.

Law of Bipolarity: Every Topic has two closely related but distinct energies: the reality vibrating at one frequency and its (often abstract) absence vibrating at another frequency.


    For example, the topic of money has two distinct vibrations: the thought of having plenty of money (the reality of it) generates a pleasant, high-frequency emotion, but the thought of not having enough money (the absence of it), naturally engenders unpleasant, low-frequency anxiety or fear.

      I always feel better, which means I am playing Life’s Game better, when I choose to think of what I want and avoid thinking of any absence of what I want. When I hold my magic wand at one end and think of what I want, my wishes to come true. When I mistakenly wave it while holding the other end by thinking of what I don’t want, I summon the absence of my wishes!


Game of life wanted or absence


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