
Game of Life’s Playing Field

      A game’s playing field is the environment in which the game is played. The world’s most popular game, football, called soccer in America, Canada, and Australia, requires a net-covered, white-pipe goal at each end of a grassy field.

      The Game of Life is played by every soul on planet Earth in every kind of physical environment. Its defining field is an invisible web of limitless flowing energy that permeates space and time by delivering life force to everything in existence.


      Energy powers the universe. Nuclear fusion in the sun releases energy as sunlight that plants convert to chemical energy in food. Our body converts food to electrical energy running the brain, heart, and gut, and into mechanical and thermal energy in the body’s muscles. In Life’s Game, we play directly with energy through our movement, thoughts, and imagination.

      I call life’s vibrating energy field THE-FLOW. It is as real as the invisible electromagnetic radiation permeating all space. It is just as real as your cell phone connection but infinitely more powerful. It is the deliberately organized playing field of conscious energy, the field of abundance, life force, and well-being that powers Life’s Game.

The-FLOW Gsme of life energy field

      Quantum physicists call this vibrating energy matrix the Unified Field of Consciousness. Psychologists call it the Superconscious Mind. Eastern religions call it Divine Source. Spiritual self-help gurus call it the World of Infinite Possibilities. Christian religions call it the Kingdom of God, sometimes just God. Leaders of New-age/Ancient-wisdom religions call it the Universe. The Star Wars film sagas refer to it as the Force. Other attempts to explain life have resulted in concepts called Fate, Luck, and Karma.

      THE-FLOW is creative. It powered the Big Bang creation of the time-space universe. It is the dark energy astrophysicists can’t detect that accelerates the galaxies away from each other. It matches up people, circumstances, and events in perfect timing by matching their vibration frequencies.

Life's Playlist about-to-be-magnetized nail

      When I taught high school physics, I would use an ordinary iron nail to illustrate an energy field. Its iron atoms are vibrating with energy, initially in a jumbled orientation like a fistful of toothpicks dropped on the floor. When the nail is stroked repeatedly with a pole magnet, the individual iron atoms rotate until they align with the magnetic force field of the magnet. The previously jumbled atoms morph into another magnet as they align in the same direction. The effect of their magnetic field is revealed by sprinkling iron filings onto a piece of paper with the new magnet underneath.


    My mentors said I was already plugged into the universal magnetic energy field of abundance, life, and well-being that powers Life’s Game and I would attract my every desire when I aligned the energy radiating from my heart, mind, and gut. They told me thought energy brings predictable matched returns in the Game. They said those who think about wealth get richer, those who appreciate their blessings get even more, and those who imagine their ideal relationship find their perfect partner. They also said those who think they are poor get more poverty, those who talk of their illness get more sickness, and those who worry about their safety become victims. Those who focus on appreciation, love, and joy are happy.

      The guides said it is because everything in the universe emits and receives vibration energy. Although we are all in a constant shower of vibrations, only those that match our thought or emotion frequency have any effect on us. 

The-FLOW Gsme of life energy field

      When I aligned myself with this energy field, I discovered I became a magnet for things I wanted, just as my mentors told me would happen. The California home overlooking the ocean that I dreamed about from Louisiana appeared unexpectedly on a trip I took with my wife, Dona, to San Pedro for a hypnosis class. It came completely remodeled, with the bow on top as Dona wished after our previous years-long remodel. The financing fell in place as if a genie worked behind the scenes. I’ve enjoyed the unobstructed view of Santa Catalina Island for seventeen years.

      Dona’s lifetime of play on this planet ended after our forty-six years together. After I grieved and established my new connection to her post-Earth existence, I made a list of my desires to pursue art for the remainder of my earth walk. The energy of those intentions attracted an artist-author to cross my path the following Valentine’s Day. She shares my interests and the certainty in how life works. 

      The Game continues. THE-FLOW surrounds us, illuminates the way, and continues to surprise/delight us with the discovery of new energy matches after more than four years as newlyweds.


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