Game-of-Life-football laws

Laws of Football

The environment of every game imposes physical constraints on how the game is played. These factors are called the laws of the game because they affect every player equally and cannot be avoided.

Football is affected by four laws: the Law of Universal Gravity and Newton’s three Laws of Motion:
    1) Objects remain at rest or move in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.
    2) Force equals mass multiplied by acceleration.
    3) For every action (force), there is an equal and opposite reaction. 


These laws cause the following effects in a game of football:
    ● The speed and distance of a kicked ball are proportional to the kicking mass (kicker’s leg, foot, and shoe). The faster that mass hits the ball, the faster and farther it will go (Newton’s second and third laws).
    ● Air friction will cause the kicked ball to slow, and it will be pulled down to the ground. (Newton’s first law and gravity).



     No soccer player has a choice about the application of these laws. They are a universal aspect of play because they are built into the mechanics of the game of football on planet Earth. No matter the age, skill, team, or nationality of a player, these four laws affect the player’s every kick and that of every other player in the game.

      If playing football (or watching it) is fun for you, you are playing the Game of Life well at those times because fun is the objective of Life’s Game. 

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Game of Life Laws

The Game of Life also has four structural laws like football’s four laws.

Life’s laws apply without exception to every player in Life’s Game. No player can avoid them.

  • The Law of Attraction
  • The Law of Bipolarity
  • The Law of Diversity
  • The Law of Expansion.


Game-of-life-playbook-next-topic-arrowGame of Life Law of Attraction

2. Law of Bipolarity

     Humans invented words to talk of absence in the same way we talk about reality. For example, we speak of light and darkness.

     ● Light is a real thing; it is vibrating electromagnetic energy. It has real, measurable effects in plants, on photographic film, and on solar cells.

     ● Darkness is the abstract concept absence of light. Darkness has no effects and cannot be measured because it is not a real or tangible thing. It is only an idea, an invented expression for an absence.


     Similarly, we made night for the absence of daylight; poor for the absence of money; hunger for the absence of nourishment; naked for the absence of clothes; clean for the absence of dirt; homeless for the absence of shelter; empty for the absence of anything filling; dry for the absence of moisture; cold for the absence of thermal energy (heat); negative pole for the battery pole that has available electrons and positive pole for the one with a shortage or absence of electrons, … and the list continues to illustrate the bipolar nature of energy in the universe.


      Both the absence of a substance and the real presence of the substance have vibrational energy, but the vibrational frequencies are different.

Law of Bipolarity: Every Topic has two closely related but distinct energies: the reality vibrating at one frequency and its (often abstract) absence vibrating at another frequency.


    For example, the topic of money has two distinct vibrations: the thought of having plenty of money (the reality of it) generates a pleasant, high-frequency emotion, but the thought of not having enough money (the absence of it), naturally engenders unpleasant, low-frequency anxiety or fear.

      I always feel better, which means I am playing Life’s Game better, when I choose to think of what I want and avoid thinking of any absence of what I want. When I hold my magic wand at one end and think of what I want, my wishes to come true. When I mistakenly wave it while holding the other end by thinking of what I don’t want, I summon the absence of my wishes!


Game of life wanted or absence


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