Living by Life’s Playbook – Week 10

A2. Action

     The question, Where does action fit into the Game of Life?  is a good one because many people feel they must take action, often much difficult action, to get what they want. However, no specific actions are necessary. For the best Gameplay, take only those action promptings that feel good.

     Your day is filled with actions. As you prepare for each action, notice your emotion about that action, and then notice your emotion as your action continues. If your emotion is a high-frequency, good-feeling emotion, the action will contribute to the Law of Attraction bringing what you want. If your emotion is low-frequency, the action will not lead you towards what you want.

     Others may tell you what actions you must do or not do. They may try to give you their set of rules for living. This is their attempt to control you, to get you to do what they want. Since the goal of Life’s Game is to have the most fun and joy, you will be most successful if you keep the laws and rules of the Game in mind and choose thoughts and actions that are the most joy and fun.

     If you need to take some decision or action and don’t know which to choose, get yourself into a good-feeling state first by thinking of something that makes you happy. Then ask your Inner-Being, your Divine-GPS-Coach, “Inspire me to choose for my highest good and the highest good of all involved.” Then be sensitive to your inclination coming from your Intuition and make your decision or take your action based on your sense of inner guidance.

      Then make that decision 100% yours by believing and expecting the superior results you wish from that choice. Don’t waffle or worry about the choice after you make it. THE-FLOW will work with whatever choice you make. Stick with it and enjoy it!

      Remember that the Game is for fun, adventure, and expansion, and the primary tool is imagination. Focus your creative energy by building your creations in your mind first, and next paying attention to what actions seem inspired. Actions will always be minimal by comparison to your mental activity. The great music composers, authors, and artists acknowledged that it was from the joyful spontaneous download of divine inspirations that their works resulted, not from arduous actions. Like them, you will find your actions easy and your results surprisingly miraculous.

     Notice the frequency of your emotion when you are ready to engage in action. If it is low, climb up the emotional scale to elevate it before taking action. This will insure your best Gameplay results.

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A3. Fear

Lifes-playbook FEAR whirlpool


      If playing the Game is so easy,  a logical question arises: Why are so many people unhappy?

 I believe it is the pervasiveness of fear in society. People are in fear from listening to others instead of listening to their Inner-Spirit who is always guiding them toward a higher-frequency, more satisfying path. Fear is like a whirlpool that feeds itself and sucks you down lower and lower.

     Fear is the lowest frequency emotion but observe how those who want to control you attempt to use it. Industries use fear to sell their products. They advertise medicines by promoting fear that you will be ill (or your illness will get worse) if you don’t use their products. They advertise clothes, cosmetics, and many products as essential for you to be accepted by others, playing on the fear of rejection, and social avoidance. “Whiten your teeth, buy the right clothes, get plastic surgery” are all aimed at a fear of being ugly, not accepted, and isolated. “Get a gun to protect yourself” or “the latest digital home security system” promote fear of not being physically secure. Politicians of all persuasions target your fear of loss of freedoms their opponents will take away if elected.

     The daily news media of death, crime, war, and disaster shows things gone wrong that could affect us, triggering emotions of anxiety and fear. While these emotions are active, the commercial ads inserted between the news segments offer solutions for your fears. Social media promotes fear through conspiracy theories. TV and cinema include fear-inducing scenes of calamity, violence, craziness, illness, and death. Staying in an emotional state of fear will bring all the things you fear into your life, certainly including unhappiness.

     Want to be happy? Avoid fear-inducing situations. But what to do once I realize my thoughts or actions are based on fear? What to do when I am afraid?

     Acknowledge the emotion. Forgive yourself that having emotions is OK, the essential aspect of being human and learning to utilize emotions for guidance. The crucial step is next: Climb up the emotional frequency scale to higher-frequency emotions by deliberately changing thoughts. 




     Until next time, notice who is attempting to invoke your fear, notice your fear emotion, and climb back up the levels to the daylight (in the emotional scale analogy as a hotel with fear at the lowest basement level and joy in the penthouse).

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