Living by Life’s Playbook – Week 11

 A4. Cell Communication


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     Whenever anything in your body differs from how you want it, overcome the cellular confusion by communicating with your cells. Ask them what is going on and listen to the urgings that you feel. Tell the cells your desires. Consider your instructions as altering your DNA because you are altering which genes are active at that moment.

     Tell your cells how much you appreciate the work they do for you. Tell the cells in the uncomfortable area of your body, “Relax! Be comfortable! Be well!” Use whatever words you find most meaningful to speak to your cells. Ask them to do what is for your highest benefit.



     Your body cells have intelligence. They are under the guidance of your subconscious mind and your Inner-Spirit. They can and will respond. Your instructions alter the expression of specific genes by flipping the epigenetic switches of your DNA through your belief-backed speech.

     Don’t forget that communication is a two-way exchange. Be still and listen to what your cells are trying to tell you. They will speak through your intuition. If you have an urge to take a specific action for them, ask again, and take the action if the inner urge continues. Always ask them to do what is in your best interest.



     What you are asking will have an effect. Medical studies have verified it. For example, in a trial with ninety-three spinal surgery patients at the University of California Davis Medical Center, the surgeon instructed his preoperative patients: “Tell your blood to move away from the surgery site.” Those patients lost about half as much blood compared to the controls and a third group taught another technique. The physician and the patients didn’t need to understand how the cells would satisfy the request; they accepted that the body would know what to do. The evidence validated their belief.



     When my orthopedist showed me the x-ray of my knee where I had intermittent pain, he pointed to the torn meniscus and recommended surgery. I chose instead to talk to my knee and tell it to be comfortable. That has worked for fifteen years.

     My daughter Danielle had a pain in her hip that nagged her for almost a year, causing discomfort walking and difficulty sleeping. Several doctors unsuccessfully looked for an explanation and remedy. Out of desperation, she began talking to her hip. She said: “Nerve, if you are somehow pinched, move around and get yourself into a comfortable un-pinched position. Hip, figure out whatever is going on down there, and do whatever it takes to get yourself comfortable. I have work I must do, and I need you to be comfortable, so get on with it.”

     She repeated these same instructions, sometimes with slight variations, every day. She realized, at least a month later, that she had no pain. She has not had a recurrence since.

     The children’s book Good-Bye Bumps! by Saje Dyer is the story from her childhood when her father, Wayne Dyer, suggested she talk to her long-standing face bumps (most likely acne). The story recounts how they disappeared she talked to them and asked them to go away.

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A5. Autosuggestion

RECOMMENDATION: Learn Autosuggestion (AKA Self-hypnosis)

    Your subconscious is running your body, emotions, and habits. Self-hypnosis, or autosuggestion, is the process of giving yourself instructions for effecting a change in your body, reactions, or habits.



      Autosuggestion has been a proven approach for centuries for relief from pain and illness and for the transformation of habits and emotional reactions.



     Dramatic results occur with autosuggestion practice. Numerous medical studies attest to the power of imagination and self-instruction to produce evidence-based results. Many authors attest to its effects in their lives.



     I started falling in 2003. I would just be walking and would fall unexpectedly. It began slowly, once every couple of weeks, then progressed to several times per week. I noticed my feet were numb and the falls were related to some change in the surface I walked upon.

     Occasionally my hands would go numb while I was typing at my computer. At the time, I was a traveling computer systems consultant for Computer Science Corporation. The company put me on medical leave so I couldn’t fall at client locations. 

     My normal doctor sent me to a neurologist. After months of appointments with the neurologist who tested me each time with needle pricks, I agreed to a nerve biopsy. At the Tulane Medical Center in New Orleans, I submitted to a nerve clip in the top of one foot that felt like a lightning strike. After further analysis during three days in America’s top neurology hospital in Houston, the doctors concluded I had neuropathy with both nerve cell death and an autoimmune attack of my nerve sheaths. The only treatment for the autoimmune attack was infusions of gamma globulin, the proteins from at least one thousand blood donations. The doctors offered no possible solution for the lost nerve cells except not to mention them in the medical report because the impossibility of recovery would trigger a denial of all treatment.

     After five initial days of hospital infusions, I had one infusion day in the hospital every other week for the next eighteen months. I would still be on that regime except for my discovery of the power of medical hypnosis and had my instructor teach me how to do self-hypnosis for my neuropathy.

     I composed several paragraphs of commands to my nerve cells and immune system based on a model template. The summary of the content was “Nerve cells, grow back. Don’t worry that the doctors say you can’t! Just do it! Immune system, leave the nerve cells alone!” 

     I recorded these statements on a mini tape recorder. I played the tape as I fell asleep each night and when I first awoke in the morning. After about five weeks, I noticed that my feet felt better; the numbness was gone. I stopped the gamma globulin treatments and my feet continued to feel better. That was the first time I realized the power of mind for bodily healing. I took more courses and obtained my certification as a clinical hypnotherapist. I have practiced hypnotherapy and taught my clients to use self-hypnosis for eighteen years.

     Now I understand why autosuggestion works very well: because it taps into THE-FLOW and Law of Attraction.

►Add it as an essential in your Game of Life skillset!


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