5. Game-of-Football LAWS
The environment of a game imposes constraints on how the game is played. These factors are called the laws of the game because they affect every player equally and cannot be avoided.
Football is affected by four laws: Newton’s three Laws of Motion and the Law of Universal Gravity:
1) Objects remain at rest or move in a straight line unless acted upon by an outside force.
2) Force equals mass multiplied by acceleration.
3) For every action (force), there is an equal and opposite reaction.
4) Objects attract one another based on their masses and proximity (Law of Gravity).
The laws cause these effects in a game of football:
• The speed and distance of a kicked ball are proportional to the kicking mass (kicker’s leg, foot, and shoe). The faster that mass hits the ball, the faster and farther it will travel (Newton’s second and third laws).
• Air friction will cause the kicked ball to slow, and it will be pulled down to the ground. (Newton’s first law and law of gravity).
No soccer player has any choice about the application of these laws. They are a universal aspect of football gameplay because they are built into the mechanics of the game on this planet. Whatever a player’s nationality, skill, age, or team identity, these four laws always affect their every kick in the game.
If playing football (or watching it) is fun for you, you are playing the Game of Life well at those times because fun is the objective of Life’s Game.
The Game of Life also has four structural laws that are embedded in the physics and metaphysics of our play environment. Aspects of Life’s laws can be seen, and parts are beyond what we can explain with science and physical mechanics.
Life’s laws apply without exception to every player in Life’s Game even those who are ignorant of them, deny them, or pretend they don’t apply:
- The Law of Attraction
- The Law of Bipolarity
- The Law of Diversity
- The Law of Expansion
7. Law of Attraction

Students assembled a crystal radio as their first electronics experiment when I taught physics. It takes only three simple components to make a radio tuner that selectively pulls from among the many radio frequencies available only the station chosen by turning the dial to adjust the tuning frequency.
The simple crystal radio illustrates the first law of the Game of Life because we players are vibrational beings, and the Law of Attraction works much like a radio tuner.
Thoughts attract more of the same frequency energy.
From the many frequencies of energy around us, the Law tunes to deliver only the energy frequency of my thought at that moment. The Law does not know or care whether I am thinking about what I want or thinking about its absence that I do not want. It brings more of the same energy frequency as whatever I am thinking.
After a quarter minute of thought on a single topic, I begin to vibrate at the frequency of the thought and start to attract similar thoughts. THE-FLOW brings more of the energy frequency I radiate.
A full minute of focused attention initiates the process for delivery of the manifestation of the physical reality that matches my vibration.
When I think, speak, or write about a subject, I am instructing the Law: “Go find and bring me more of similar energy.” One of my mentors puts it simply: Thoughts become things.
Just as a vehicle increases momentum the longer it accelerates (Newton’s Laws of Motion), my attractive momentum accelerates the longer I focus on a thought (Law of Attraction).
I like the buffer of time between initial thought and the beginnings of the physical manifestation because it permits me to change my thought in case my thought is about something I don’t want.
The Law of Attraction first got my attention in San Pedro, California when Dona and I had come to attend our second week-long class. Sunday morning, I searched for the bakery with delicious pastries I had found on the prior trip.
When I could not find the bakery, I began a pattern of searching the empty streets. I really wanted to find that bakery. Hungrier by the minute, I could almost taste the bear claws as I envisioned biting into one in the bakery.
As I walked, I noticed a small blank white card on the sidewalk. I followed the impulse to pick it up and turn it over, revealing the bakery business card with the address. I easily found my bear claws.
I had vaguely heard of the Law of Attraction, but that was my first realization of it working in my life. I now know, strange as it sounds, it was my powerful concentration on desiring to find the bakery that caused that card to be in my path.
I don’t know how or when it got there. I have since concluded that figuring out how the Law of Attraction causes things to happen is beyond human minds. I just happily accept the results.
I’ve learned that when I have some discomfort or pain, if I focus on how much it hurts and how bad I feel, I get more of the same and feel worse. The sooner I change my focus to how good I am already feeling, the faster the pain or discomfort ends.
Thinking about or protesting things I don’t want radiates their frequency and causes them to show up even more.
Instead of protesting things I dislike, I ignore them and become instead an advocate, promoter, and energy radiator of what I do want.
I tell my students and clients to think of the Law of Attraction as their personal creative energy magnet pulling toward them persons, events, things, emotions, and actions matched to the frequency of their thoughts.
Their emanating thought energy affects not only their body and emotions, but it also affects every other consciousness energy in the universe.
I had never heard Mind Controls Body until my first hypnotherapy training class. At the time, I had been on medical leave for many months with non-diabetic neuropathy (foot numbness) that led to random falls. My neurologist had me on biweekly hospital IVIG infusions to prevent my immune systems from further destroying the nerve sheaths in my feet. The nerve biopsy showed a few nerve chains where it should have been like a coaxial cable with thousands of wire-like neurons. I felt an energy difference after each infusion, but I was told my existing nerve loss would be permanent.
After that hypnosis class, I began daily self-hypnosis giving my feet the instruction: Nerve cells grow back. Ignore the doctors who say you cannot. Immune system, leave the nerves alone!
I noticed that I felt better after five weeks. I discontinued the infusions and kept feeling better without falling. I had difficulty believing that my autosuggestion process had such a dramatic medical effect.
I wanted proof that it was not a coincidence and began looking for medical studies where hypnosis was the therapy tested. I found hundreds of studies with beneficial results on all manner of illness. That’s when I changed my life’s work from computer technology to hypnotherapy.
Jane was among my first clients. She suffered from chronic non-diabetic neuropathy for ten years, had spent thousands on ineffective alternative treatments, took multiple narcotics daily, and was becoming depressed. Her relief from using my simple mental process enabled her to stop taking six Norco (codeine) tablets a day. Her physician husband couldn’t understand it.
I have witnessed similar results hundreds of times with many illnesses. I now understand hypnotherapy is an application of the Law of Attraction. Whatever we desire strongly, believe is possible, and expect with emotion will always manifest. It is the Law!
Once I understood this, miracles have been easy. I will save for another time the story of my conversation with doctors as they performed my hernia surgery without anesthesia.
My favorite is affecting the sorting system at UPS in Louisville, Kentucky, where all UPS shipments go to be sorted and routed.
I enjoy the daily affirmations from the book Power Thoughts by Louise Hay and ordered a dozen books to bring to Louisiana as a Christmas gift for each of my grandchildren. My quickest delivery option had them arriving the day after my flight.
I desired very much to hand deliver them, so I imagined the shipment would get pushed off the conveyr sorting system at UPS into the next-day delivery route instead of its scheduled routing a day later. I envisioned watching my package move along the conveyor belts and trusted it would somehow get to me in time.
When I opened the front door to leave for the airport the next day, the package was on the front step. The Laws work like magic when one understands and works with them.
Once, as I was reciting familiar instructions to a client under hypnosis, my words came out scrambled. The doctor from the adjacent office called 911. My hospital ER visit did not detect a stroke, the likely suspect, but instead revealed a heart murmur. Weeks later, a cardiologist told me that I had a malformed mitral heart valve that could not fully close. It needed a surgical repair or to be replaced with a pig heart valve.
I asked, What if I do nothing? His reply, Your heart will expand to compensate for its drop in efficiency and will eventually expand enough to eliminate the possibility of a future valve replacement.
I didn’t like that answer, so I chose to find a different cardiologist and encourage my valve to straighten itself out. My new cardiologist agreed to delay surgery and reevaluate my condition in twelve months.
I confidently encouraged my valve to improve, telling my family the next exam would show improvement even though the doctor said it was not possible. He couldn’t detect (or perhaps couldn’t admit) improvement the first year.
Now, after six years of annual exam comparisons, he has admitted improvement and has reduced the diagnosis. Although in medical terms I technically have heart disease, I experience no effects. I attribute the miracle of impossible improvement to learning to play the Game by envisioning desirable outcomes and leaving the results to the Law of Attraction.
This process will work for every Life Game player.