22. Game Transformation



     At some point, the Game will change. Regardless of how each of us plays the Game, we will certainly end this lifetime, shed our body, and leave behind everything associated with the body, like age, illness, and possessions.

     This is not the end of Life’s Game. Instead, it is transformed in appearance and gameplay as the physical body and eternal Divine separate at what is called death. The Divine being that empowered the body continues to play the Game without the limitations of a physical structure as the body returns to the basic elements from which it was formed.

     We came to enjoy playing the Game and play is what we will have done with our every breath and thought, creating our earthly heaven or hell. We will have played the Game with every choice we made, as best we were able at the time. By doing so, we will have contributed to the expansion of the universe by desiring, creating, and contributing what did not previously exist.

     We won’t be judged, punished, or rewarded for anything we did. As we played the Game, the built-in Game Laws ensured that we received our appropriate compensation during our Earth lifetime.

   If we broke the Game Rules, we didn’t get as much enjoyment as we could have; it wasn’t as much fun. There was probably more pain and suffering, but it was our choices that caused it.

     If we observed the Rules, we found happiness and the love of others. We contributed to the expansion of the universe and the elevation of the aggregate vibration frequency of mankind. We fulfilled our purpose in incarnating.

     We certainly will NOT be sent to a non-existent Hell or Purgatory. We will continue as pure positive spirit energy for eternity as our Inner-Spirit non-physical piece of the Divine. We will connect gloriously with all our supporting angels, family, friends, and mentors while taking an active role in assisting and inspiring those still alive on Earth.

     We might choose to return to play another Game.

23. Game-of-Life Legacy



   After a game, the legacies remain: the final score, the photographs, the trophies, perhaps a successful new play, and the memories of special moments. Together these contribute to encouragement and education for current and future players.

   It’s the same for Life’s Game. We inherited a rich legacy from our ancestors and direct family. We will want to pass to our descendants the life lessons we learned and the plays and tips we found useful for our Gameplay.

     The final score, the photographs, the trophies, perhaps a successful new play, and the memories of special moments. Together these form education and encouragement for current and future players.

For our future progeny, we will each have the unique legacy we are forming right now as we play Life’s Game.

Game-of-Life trophy


   I invite you to reflect on how you will transmit your legacy of play in Life’s Game to your future progeny.

  • Will you prepare for them a list of what worked and what didn’t?
  • Will you pass this playbook along to them?
  • Will you write your own story of how you played and what you learned?Game-of-life- 4-laws

24. Game-of-Life HACK

HACK (verb):

    • Find a short-cut, mechanism, or path.
    • Synonyms: Navigate, Maneuver, Manipulate, Manage, Negotiate, Play, Surmount, Master.


HACK steps to manifest whatever you want, miracles included:

1. Decide what you want. Notice how you feel when you think about it. If you feel good, it matches your Inner-Spirit’s view that this desire benefits you. Be as specific yet good-feeling as possible. (If it feels unpleasant, it does not match the frequency of your Inner-Spirit. Change any ill-feeling thought).


2. Envision/Embellish. Imagine the details, all aspects of what you want, and select those aspects that make you feel best. Add them to your detailed specification of what you want.


3. Ask for it. Make it as specific as you can imagine. Ask with expectancy that it will be given to you. Make the asking more powerful by feeling the emotion of enjoying the receipt of what you ask.


4. Expect. Believe without any trace of doubt that it is coming, that it will happen. Instead of saying “I believe,” say “I know; I’m convinced; I’m certain.” Talk about it. Tell others that it is on its way. Think, dream, write, speak, and sing about it.

You are guaranteed the efficacy of the hack process:

“Truly I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says is going to happen, it will be granted him.”  –Mark 11:23


5. Be grateful. Say often: I am grateful the Universe is sending what I ask or something even better!


6. Allow it to come to you. Know that you are worthy, no matter how outrageous or impossible it seems and no matter what others have told you. Miracles are your birthright.


7. Respond to the promptings. Signs, thoughts, dreams, and ideas will urge you to do something related to your desire. Respond to the opportunities, circumstances, and people that support your desire. This is how you allow it to come to you.

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25. Postscript

     When I thought my writing was complete, my Inner-Spirit told me to add a chapter for his personal message to you, dear reader.


  “Pay attention to the inner thoughts and urgings you call INTUITION.”

  “Intuition comes from your Inner-Spirit, forever loving you, desiring your happiness above all else, and prompting you like a GPS to the easiest path for all the things you desire from this lifetime.”

  “Ask your Inner-Spirit for a name and for daily coaching advice in playing Life’s Game.”   — Soaring Eagle

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~~  END of BOOK ~~

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